A few weeks ago I closed my eyes and thought about my God.
My Father.
His love for me and me being with Him.
And what did I see?
This big huge rocking chair at Country's Barbecue:

When I was a little kid we would go to this restaurant and climb up into the chair.
It was fun, of course and I enjoyed it.
I remember climbing from the ground, up the side of the chair,
all the way into the seat - it was SO high!
Well, as I closed my eyes and just thought of God's love for me,
I pictured Him as big as this chair.
He was sitting and I was climbing up His leg, into His lap,
just like I did on that chair at Country's Barbecue.
And when I got into His lap, I was so little,
I could just sit there in perfect peace,
knowing that I was fully loved
and completely protected
by the God Who made me and loves me.
That's where I always want to be.
A child of the King, rocking in the arms of my Daddy.
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