Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sacrifice of Joy Part 2

So, yesterday, I did turn on some music and then I played some on the piano and then I wrote a song. I surely didn't want to do any of that, but as I started singing some of the stuff started to go away and things definitely got keep reading...

After lunch a sweet gift and card arrived in the mail from some old friends. It was perfect timing and definitely a blessing from God. It was like He said, "Remember that I'm taking care of you." Perfect timing.

Later in the day Irish (who was off of work all day) suggested we walk to Burger King to do something fun, get the kids out of the house, etc. As we're sitting there, this random guy sitting at the table next to us asks us if all of the kids belong to us. So we said yes and then he told us that he and his 4 siblings are all really close in age...we keep talking...blah blah blah...and we find out that he goes to a church we visited a few times last year and we have mutual friends! That might not sound amazing but it is because this is LOS ANGELES for one thing, for another, he doesn't even live near the Burger King but stopped by because he was in the area for something, AND the church is in Hollywood - about 25 miles from the Burger King!

I have no idea why we met him, but it was just amazing to me and it felt like God was again saying, "I'm watching out for you." There are people on fire for Him scattered all throughout this city, and "randomly" running into one and talking about things, reminded me that we are not alone.

Soon I will try to upload the song I wrote yesterday.

Oh, and to top it all off, it RAINED yesterday! It hasn't rained here since JUNE! I know a lot of my family and friends have been getting bombarded with rain, so this probably doesn't mean anything, but it was like heaven yesterday. It was just wonderful. The rain poured down and it was like it just cleansed everything.

On the way back from BK, Irish took Bean to the Dollar Store with some of her birthday money. The rest of us headed home and we were about 1/4 mile from the house when it started raining kind of hard. I stopped by the light to get the umbrella out of my bag when I heard "ma'am!". This sweet lady was stopped at the light, 2 lanes away from the sidewalk, calling to me to see if I wanted a ride home! I told her thanks but I was almost home - but it was so nice to see that there are kind people in this world. God, please bless that sweet lady!

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