Friday, February 26, 2010

Locks Of Love

Little girls playing princess - without any hair to comb.
Fixing the hair of their little dolls - but with no hair of their own.

I didn't mean for that to rhyme. But seriously, I can't imagine being a little girl (or boy even) with no hair. I've been thinking about it lately and, inspired by my cousin Emily, who has given her hair 4 or 5 times, I decided to chop off my hair so a little child can have some of her own to play with.

It had to be at least 10 inches so here we go....

I miss it. But I think it will make a nice wig.

And mine will grow back.

Locks of Love provides hairpieces for children who suffer from hair loss. It can be short term (radiation therapy, severe burns) or long term (alopecia, genetic conditions).

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mid night ramblings

It is 6 in the morning. I have been up since 3:40. I woke up with bad dreams and asked Irish to pray for me and then he got up at 4 to get ready to go to work, so I got up and got some food together for him....and I didn't want to go back to sleep so here I sit.

I found this great song on youtube by John Waller. click here to listen It has some really powerful words. It's called "Our God Reigns Here"

I came across this interesting blog. Don't you want to make this yummy dessert? SO GROSS! Kitty Litter Cake

Ok. I should try to get some sleep in before the kids wake up! In an hour! Yowzers!

Jay Leno Show/Jessica Alba

I got to see the taping of the Jay Leno Show on Monday. That was really neat. It was my first time sitting in on a show like that and it was a lot of fun. There was a lot of "hurry up and wait" going on but it was an experience.

The instructions specifically stated that you could not bring a cell phone, bags, etc. into the taping and you might as well just leave them in the car. They took all of our cell phones at the taping of So You Think You Can Dance, so I decided it would be best to just leave my phone behind. As I walked away from the car I realized how weird it felt to not have a form of communication on my person. To think that I used to never carry a cell phone around!

Irish was at home with the kids and it felt weird to be gone from them so long (well, 4 hours isn't that long) without a way to get in touch with anyone.

And as soon as I got in line I thought, "Why in the world did I come here by myself?" I realized I was going to have to wait in line for about 2 hours with nothing to read, no one to text, and no one to talk to in person! And I am not the kind of person who is good at making little small talk!

But there was a service dog there who broke the ice for a lot of us, so I pushed myself a little bit and had some nice conversations with interesting people:

2 middle aged men from San Diego, visiting for the day with their daughters who were close to my age. They made sure to let me know those were their daughters and that they would never date anyone that young : )

A guy from New Jersey who was visiting his brother. He definitely had a Jersey accent although he lived in Texas for the first 16 years of his life! He told me that he dropped his accent overnight because he was bullied in school for his Texas drawl!

An older couple with their service dog. He is paralyzed from the waist down and the dog picks up things for him, brings him his clothes in the morning, opens and shuts doors, etc. She's been with him to see a TON of shows and I hear she likes Alex Trebek. :)

The show was fun. I got to sit on the 2nd row which was awesome! Jessica Alba was a guest and was just on the stage right near to where I was sitting. Seeing her up close and off-camera (she's a really nice person) made me see for the first time how actors are just people doing their job. Yeah, they make a lot of money and have to deal with annoying papparazzi, but at the end of the day, they just want to go home to their family and live their life. The attention and the glamor are just normal to them, a part of everyday life. I always knew that but now I actually know it : )

So, Jessica Alba came down and sat right in front of us to get her picture taken before she left. A girl jumped in front of me before the pic was taken so you can only see the top of my hair. Oh well.....I'm to the right of the blond with the scarf. (I signed up for Twitter just to get this pic off of JA's page! ha ha! I'm crazy I know!)

The guys in the front with her were hilarious.

So, that's it, I guess. I'm grateful Jonathan stayed home with the kids so I could do something fun by myself, even though it was a little weird trying to talk to complete strangers! Oh well, I've got to learn sometime!